
Yang (Austin) Xiao

AI Engineer
Fortemedia Singapore
yxiao009 (at) e.ntu.edu.sg

——Do not go gentle into that good night.

About Me

Hello, I am Yang (Austin) Xiao, Xiao is my last name. Now I am an AI engineer at Fortemedia.

Recently I graduated as a CS Master student at NTU advised by Chng Eng Siong. I obtained my B.Eng degree from Jilin University. Then I worked as a software development engineer at China Mobile for one year.

I am contributing to building “easy-to-use”, “efficient”, and “robust” next-generation data-centric AI systems. At this moment, I mainly work in the data-centric speech learning system. Specifically, continual learning and domain adaptation apply in the speech domain to make the learning system continual, real-time, and efficient.


Research Interests


Professional Experience



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