——Do not go gentle into that good night.
About Me
Hello, I am Yang (Austin) Xiao, Xiao is my last name. Now I am an AI engineer at Fortemedia.
Recently I graduated as a CS Master student at NTU advised by Chng Eng Siong. I obtained my B.Eng degree from Jilin University. Then I worked as a software development engineer at China Mobile for one year.
I am contributing to building “easy-to-use”, “efficient”, and “robust” next-generation data-centric AI systems. At this moment, I mainly work in the data-centric speech learning system. Specifically, continual learning and domain adaptation apply in the speech domain to make the learning system continual, real-time, and efficient.
- [Dec. 2024] Invited to serve as a reviewer for ICME 2025.
- [Dec. 2024] Four papers have been accepted to ICASSP 2025 (One is the workshop).
- [Dec. 2024] Invited to serve as a reviewer for IJCNN 2025.
- [Sep. 2024] Invited to serve as a reviewer for ICASSP 2025.
- [Aug. 2024] Our paper about sound event detection has been accepted to DCASE Workshop 2024.
- [Feb. 2024] Our paper about sound event detection has been accepted to ICASSP 2024.
- [Sep. 2023] Invited to serve as a reviewer for ICASSP 2024.
- [May. 2023] Our paper about keyword spotting is accepted to INTERSPEECH 2023.
- [May. 2023] Achieved the 4th place on the DCASE 2023 Challenge on Task 4a: “Sound Event Detection with Weak Labels and Synthetic Soundscapes”.
- [Jan. 2023] Join the Fortemedia Singapore team as a software engineer.
- [Sep. 2022] Our paper about incremental learning and environmental sound classification is accepted to DCASE Workshop 2022.
- [Jun. 2022] Our paper about incremental learning and keyword spotting is accepted to INTERSPEECH 2022.
Research Interests
- Machine Learning System: Deep Learning Inference, Model Serving System, Edge-cloud Collaborative System
- Data-Centric AI: Incremental Learning, Active Learning, Few-shot Learning
- Jilin University, Changchun, China
- Aug.2016 - Jul.2020
- B.E. in Internet of Things Engineering
- Advisor: Professor Xuanjing Shen
- Peking University, Beijing, China
- Jun.2020 - Aug.2020
- Summer Term Enrollment
- Advisor: Professor Hao Dan
- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore
- Aug.2021 - Jan.2023
- Master of Science (Artificial Intelligence)
- Advisor: Professor Chng Eng Siong
Professional Experience
- AI Engineer, Fortemedia Singapore
- Software Engineer, China Mobile (Chengdu) Industrial Research Institute
- Jul. 2020 - May.2021
- Developed a smart cellular base station management system covering over 1.6 million stations in southeastern China.
- Student Participant, Summer 2021 of Open Source Promotion Plan
- Jul. 2021 - Nov.2021
- msflops: Count the MACs / FLOPs of your MindSpore model.
- Developed a system to compute the theoretical amount of multiply-add operations in convolutional neural networks for MindSpore.
- [Code]
- Leveraging LLM and Text-Queried Separation for Noise-Robust Sound Event Detection
- Han Yin, Yang Xiao, Jisheng Bai, Rohan Kumar Das
- Accepted to the IEEE ICASSP Workshop.2025.
- [PDF] [Code]
- UCIL: An Unsupervised Class Incremental Learning Approach for Sound Event Detection
- Yang Xiao,Rohan Kumar Das
- Accepted to the IEEE ICASSP.2025.
- [PDF]
- Dark Experience for Incremental Keyword Spotting
- Tianyi Peng, Yang Xiao
- Accepted to the IEEE ICASSP.2025.
- [PDF]
- Exploring Text-Queried Sound Event Detection with Audio Source Separation
- Han Yin, Jisheng Bai, Yang Xiao, Hui Wang, Siqi Zheng, Yafeng Chen, Rohan Kumar Das, Chong Deng, Jianfeng Chen
- Accepted to the IEEE ICASSP.2025.
- [PDF] [Code]
- WildDESED: An LLM-Powered Dataset for Wild Domestic Environment Sound Event Detection System
- Yang Xiao,Rohan Kumar Das
- Accepted to the DCASE Workshop.2024.
- [PDF] [Project] [Code]
- Dual Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Sound Event Detection
- Yang Xiao,Rohan Kumar Das
- Accepted to the IEEE ICASSP Workshop.2024.
- [PDF]
- Small Footprint Multi-channel Network for Keyword Spotting with Centroid Based Awareness
- Dianwen Ng, Yang Xiao, Jia Qi Yip, Zhao Yang, Biao Tian, Qiang Fu, Eng Siong Chng, Bin Ma
- Accepted to the 24rd INTERSPEECH Conference. 2023.
- [PDF]
- Continual Learning For On-Device Environmental Sound Classification
- Yang Xiao*, Xubo Liu*, James King, Arshdeep Singh, Eng Siong Chng, Mark D. Plumbley, Wenwu Wang
- Accepted to the DCASE Workshop. 2022.
- [PDF] [Code]
- Rainbow Keywords: Efficient Incremental Learning for Online Spoken Keyword Spotting
- Yang Xiao, Nana Hou, Eng Siong Chng
- Accepted to the 23rd INTERSPEECH Conference. 2022.
- [PDF] [Code]
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